FC Group List


Click on a day of the week or scroll down for Group Details!



MATTHEW- Getting to Know the First Gospel- Women's Group |STUDENT BLDG. | Cindy Schulte, Judy Petrulis, Dorothy Bair and Deb Howley | 1:00PM

INVEST - Couple’s Group | STUDENT BLDG. | Rich and Vicki Pancoast (Free Childcare) | 6:30PM

FINANCIAL PEACE UNIVERSITY - Coed Group | FC | Andy Eiss, Lisa Frank & Cullen Nauck | 6:30PM | *STARTS FEB. 9TH


*THE BREAKFAST CLUB - “Being a Man of God” | Local Restaurant | bi-weekly | 7:00AM

*THE BREAKFAST CLUB - “Being a Dad” | Local Restaurant | bi-weekly | 7:00AM

*breakfast groups rotate weeks

SERMON-BASED - Men’s Group | STUDENT BLDG. Kevin Wilhelm & Anthony Nollen | 6:30PM

GOING DEEPER - Women’s Group | Middletown Home | Linda Pike | 6:30PM  


VERSE BY VERSE: The Book of Acts - Men's Group | FC | Jeff Caiola and Matt Vogt | 6:30PM

SURRENDER - Women’s Group | Beth Corbin and Kailani Gadlin - Wednesday 6:00PM | FC



CARING FOR THE CAREGIVER - Coed Group | FC | Eric Rodko and Bethe Mullen | 6:00PM

VERSE BY VERSE: The Gospels - COED GROUP | ZOOM | Patrick Ringrose & Eric Rodko | 6:30AM


CELEBRATE RECOVERY - Hank and Devon Vladyka | 7:00-8:00PM | STUDENT BLDG.

INSIDE EDITION - Coed Group | FC | Rich Stevens | 6:30PM  


COMMUNITY - Coed Group | STUDENT BLDG. | Rich Pancoast & Trey Brown | Bi-Weekly 12:00PM | (after 2nd service)

YOUNG ADULTS | Coed Group | STUDENT BLDG. | Rich Pancoast & Trey Brown | Bi-Weekly 12:00PM | (after 2nd service)

SERMON BASED - Coed Group | DURHAM HOME GROUP | Doug and Denise Schuch | 5:00PM

FOLLOWING JESUS - Coed Group |  FC | Dorothy Bair and Hector Santos | 12:00 (after 2nd service)



Getting to Know the First Gospel

Women’s Group

1:00PM | Judy, Cindy, Deborah and Dorothy | student building

A Study in the Gospel of Matthew. Join us to explore God’s word in a friendly, interactive atmosphere. Our goal is to better understand scripture as we follow Jesus.

Sign-up HERE



Couples Group

6:30PM | Rich and Vicki Pancoast | student building

Loving relationships take a lot of effort and investing. Whether you’re in a season of difficulty or you’re thriving in your relationship, this is the group for you. No good marriage coasts. The best ones are the ones that are consistently and intentionally investing in each other as well as investing in their relationship with God. Each week we discuss a topic that is relevant to improving your marriage – or serious dating journey as all couples are welcome.


Sign-up HERE



Coed Group

6:30PM | Andy Eiss, Lisa Frank & Cullen Nauck | FC 

If you've ever felt like you just can't get in control of your money, you're not alone. You'd be surprised how many people you know are struggling just like you. But it's time for your struggle to end—starting today. Join this Financial Peace University class at Fellowship Church starting on February 9th 6:30PM, and learn how you can pay off debt, save more money, and build wealth

Sign-up HERE




Men’s Sermon-based Group

6:30PM | student building.

Kevin Wilhelm and Anthony Nollen

Dive a bit deeper into Sunday’s message with others.

Sign-up HERE


Going Deeper

Women's Group

Linda Pike | 6:30PM | Middletown      

Jesus’ invitation was not to convert to a new religion called Christianity.  It was to apprentice under him into life in the Kingdom of God.  Together we will learn what it means to be with Jesus, to be like Jesus, and to do the things that Jesus did.  Our discussion will be guided by the book Practicing the Way by John Mark Comer.

Sign up HERE


Men’s Breakfast Club

Men’s BREAKFAST CLUB *Meets bi-weekly

7:00AM Local restaurant

Discussing how to be Men after God’s own heart. Chasing humility, integrity, courage and good character together.

Sign-up HERE


Being a Dad Breakfast Club*Meets bi-weekly

7:00AM local restaurant

This time together is all about learning more about what it looks like to truly follow Jesus and be the best father we can. Each week we will explore an actual life challenge as a dad and learn practical Biblical ways in getting through them. 

Sign-up HERE





Matt Vogt and Jeff Caiola

Acts - Verse by Verse - is a men’s bible study. Each week we will read a passage of Acts followed by a group discussion. We will learn more about God's Word and the early church.  What stands up to time, what stands out, and how we can grow closer to God in community.

Sign-up HERE



Women’s Group | 6:00PM FC

Beth Corbin and Kailani Gadlin

This group focuses on areas of our lives that we need to surrender to God so that we can lives He wants us to live – lives of freedom, hope and love. The group is inspired by the song, “I Surrender” which draws from scripture after scripture that talk about trusting God and staying focused on Him. 

Sign-up HERE



Verse by Verse - Coed Group

6:30AM via Zoom

Patrick Ringrose & ERIC RODKO

Verse by Verse in an in-depth study of Scripture, with a group of wonderful believers-pilgrims. Rather than assigning big sections, such as a full chapter of any given book, we take a fine-tooth comb approach, which results in deep conversation. All of us are at different points of our faith walk; we all have different perspectives, and they are all valid. Come join us. Nothing like Scripture and coffee to start your mornings!

Sign-up HERE


Caring for the Caregiver

Coed Group | 6PM | FC

Eric Rodko and bethe mullen

For people who are stressed caregivers of parents or of younger persons who are disabled. This is a supportive group to encourage and comfort active and past family caregivers who may be feeling vulnerable, overwhelmed and/or be in the grieving process. Come and join as we share information, experiences and prayer.

Sign-up HERE


Mastering Motherhood


6:30PM | student building

For moms of all ages and stages!  It's a night of fun, food and friendship.  We will hear from an inspirational speaker, fellowship over food and break into amazing book groups.  Childcare is provided.  

Sign-up HERE



Celebrate Recovery open share group only

Time: 7:00PM-8:00PM student building (lower LOT)

Contact person: Hank Vladyka (203) 687-6154

CR is a 12 step program that is Christ-centered and based on the Beatitudes. Find recovery from life's hurts, habits, and hang ups here! No need to sign, just show up. Women enter at upper entrance. Men enter at lower entrance.


Inside Edition 

6:30PM | FC  

Rich Stevens         

The "real scoop" on Christian living.

Christ in you and through you; by the Spirit. Bible doctrine.

Sign-up HERE 




Sermon Based - Coed Group

5:00PM | Durham HOME Group

Doug and Denise Schuch

Dive a bit deeper into Sunday’s message with others.

Sign-up HERE


Following Jesus - Coed Group  

12:00 (after 2nd service) FC 

Dorothy Bair and Hector Santos

A unique interactive approach to become acquainted with Old and New Testament scripture. This group helps you better understand what it means to follow Jesus through a story-form experience. 

Sign-up HERE


Community - Coed Group

12:15PM | Student BLDG. | Bi-weekly

Rich Pancoast and Trey Brown

Sometimes we want to be alone and left to our own devices, chances are we'd do it more often BUT studies show the dangers of isolation and scripture backs up the need for others in our life. We were not meant to do life alone. Life with like-minded growing believers can change our perspective, our growth in Jesus and our social life as well! Join us bi-weekly for a discussion on practical ways of building a solid circle in your life. A circle of people who genuinely care and want the invest in you.

Sign-up HERE


Young Adult Group

12:15PM | Student BLDG. | Bi-weekly

Rich Pancoast and Trey Brown

This season of life is busy! So much transition. Finding your person, finding your career, finding your 'tribe', and growing in your faith. Join us for real discussions on life in this season. Get to know others who are dealing with many of the same things you are. 

Sign-up HERE